The Problem with Alarm Clocks and How to Wake Without One

Waking up to alarmWe all know how annoying an alarm clock can be. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! Not only does this sound startle you, it can often times leave you feeling groggy. No matter which stage of sleep you’re in, the alarm clock’s job is to get your day started. The problem is, deep stages of sleep are the most restorative for you. Being woken up out of a deep stage of sleep can and will leave you feeling as though you barely slept at all! The best way to wake up is naturally and without the stress of being scared awake. It is possible to wake up without the use of an alarm clock, but it may take some time. Here are a few different ways to train yourself to wake up without an alarm clock. Continue reading…

Why You Should Make Your Bed

Make Your BedOne of the easiest habits to break is making your bed. This habit however, is one of the easiest to start, and the effects from such a simple chore can have a resounding positive effect on the rest of your day. This isn’t to say that making your bed has been scientifically proven to help you sleep better or cure your sleep disorder, but there is a mutual understanding amongst those who do make their bed that it does help. It is common to not feel the need to make your bed simply because you will mess the sheets up later when you go to sleep. You may feel that it is a waste of a precious few minutes that you could spend sleeping! But for those of you who do not make your bed, you are missing out on better sleep and a much more active day!
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How Exercise Affects Your Sleep

sleep options, memory foam mattress, natural latex mattressDo you feel a little guilty after all that Thanksgiving turkey? Are you planning on hitting the gym at some point today? Well, we’re glad to hear that, and not because we think you need to lose your holiday weight. Exercising has many health benefits that range from better heart health and blood pressure to stress reduction and mood enhancement. But if working out is so good for everyone, then why don’t some people do it? The most frequent excuse for not exercising is because a person claims to be too tired. Ready for the irony? Exercise is a lifestyle habit that can help you get a peaceful, longer night’s sleep and keep you energized throughout the day.

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Restless Leg Syndrome

Unlike some other common sleep disorders, RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects a person during an unlikely time, while resting. RLS is characterized by an unpleasant feeling, sometimes throbbing pain, a pulling or tugging sensation, all which seem to be uncontrollable. To further look into how RLS affects people, it is a disorder where a person has an uncontrollable urge to move their legs. Instances when RLS can occur are most commonly found to be at night, while lying still in bed and getting ready to sleep. This disorder can pose health concerns not only for the person who is suffering with RLS, but also for anyone who shares a bed with them.

We all know sleep is essential to a productive day and better health, but what happens when quality sleep is out of your control? It can be hard to cope with fatigue and exhaustion, especially if you are not the person suffering from RLS. This disorder may sound humorous, but it is not at all funny. Continue reading…

Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia can be quite tricky to get a handle on, as it can affect anyone at any time. Insomnia is classified as the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.  Many people may experience this trouble sleeping and attribute it to a rough day at work, or to the anxiety of an upcoming vacation. Most of the time, people ignore the tell-tale signs of insomnia, and it will progressively get worse and even wreak havoc at home and work. Having trouble sleeping can greatly affect your concentration, memory and focus.

Insomnia is also known to accompany health concerns and other sleep disorders that may interrupt your sleep. Insomnia is not the reason you cannot sleep, insomnia is what we call your inability to sleep.

A great way to start minimizing the effect insomnia has on your life is first understanding what can cause insomnia. Once you understand what causes insomnia, you can take preventative measure to help safe guard your sleep by reducing these causes. If you are overly stressed, you can try stress relieving activities such as meditation, aromatherapy or exercising. If a medication you are taking is known to disrupt sleep,  it may be time to consult your doctor about an alternative that will not disrupt sleep.

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Effects of Snoring on Your Health and Relationships

Snoring Keeping You Awake?Do you or someone you know snore during the night? Having to deal with a person who snores can be a huge pain in anyone’s side. But if you are the person who snores, you may not be aware or know that it is bothersome to others around you. The effects of snoring are two-fold. Not only can it be a sign of a more significant disorder, sleep apnea, it can wreak havoc on personal relationships.

Now to be fair, since a person whom snores is not aware of this loud disturbance, treat them no differently than you would someone who doesn’t snore. For the most part, it is out of their control. Snoring is caused by blockage of the airway. When sleeping, tissue in the throat begins to relax as your body relaxes. The deeper the sleep, the more relaxed a person becomes. This blockage is what causes the loud “snores.”
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How To Overcome Jet Lag

sleep options memory foam mattress, sleep options natural latex mattress, pillows, sleep options mattress, bedroom furnitureIt’s summertime, and that means a lot of people are traveling; especially on the 4th of July weekend! Therefore, we thought this would be the best time to share different ways that you can overcome your jet lag woes. There are many natural methods of reducing the overbearing fatigue that jet lag produces. Here are some easy steps you can take to fight off the jet lag before it even happens!

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How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button on Your Alarm Clock

Sleep Options Memory Foam and Natural Latex Mattresses, pillows, bedroom, furnitureIt’s 6:30 AM and your alarm clock starts blaring in your ear, jolting you from your night’s rest. In your mind, all you keep thinking is “just a little longer,” so you groggily roll over and hit the snooze button. Sound familiar? The average person hits the snooze button 3 times before getting out of bed. Therefore, we all are victims of snoozing our alarm clocks to get that extra 9 minutes of sleep, but how can this impact the rest of our day?

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