The 10 Most Popular Sleep Tips by Sleep Options

Sleep Options memory foam mattress, Sleep Options natural latex mattress, sleep tips, If you did not already know, Sleep Options creates new sleep tips every Tuesday for our readers! Located on our Blogger site, these weekly sleep tips are little reminders and ideas of how you can get a better night’s sleep, take care of your mattress, and enhance your daily routine. With over a year’s worth of tips, there are definitely some favorites amongst our readers. Enjoy the top 10 sleep tips pulled from our popular posts section on the blog!

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The Positive Effects of Daylight Saving Time

It’s natural for most people to focus on the negative implications of Daylight Saving Time (DST), especially for those people who are already sleep deprived. Losing another hour of sleep can greatly impact our health and job performance. But with the negative does come the positive, and for some, it may outweigh any negatives. We did an article last year  How the Extra Hour of Sleep from the End of Daylight Savings Affects You. The Monday following DST leads to higher car accidents, heart attacks and may cause the formation of a sleep disorder. But no one sheds light (pun intended) on the positive aspect of DST, so let us tell you about it. Continue reading…

The Problem with Alarm Clocks and How to Wake Without One

Waking up to alarmWe all know how annoying an alarm clock can be. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! Not only does this sound startle you, it can often times leave you feeling groggy. No matter which stage of sleep you’re in, the alarm clock’s job is to get your day started. The problem is, deep stages of sleep are the most restorative for you. Being woken up out of a deep stage of sleep can and will leave you feeling as though you barely slept at all! The best way to wake up is naturally and without the stress of being scared awake. It is possible to wake up without the use of an alarm clock, but it may take some time. Here are a few different ways to train yourself to wake up without an alarm clock. Continue reading…

How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button on Your Alarm Clock

Sleep Options Memory Foam and Natural Latex Mattresses, pillows, bedroom, furnitureIt’s 6:30 AM and your alarm clock starts blaring in your ear, jolting you from your night’s rest. In your mind, all you keep thinking is “just a little longer,” so you groggily roll over and hit the snooze button. Sound familiar? The average person hits the snooze button 3 times before getting out of bed. Therefore, we all are victims of snoozing our alarm clocks to get that extra 9 minutes of sleep, but how can this impact the rest of our day?

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How Technology Affects Sleep

We have all heard the Sleep Options Memory Foam Mattress, Natural Latex Mattress, Pillows, Sleep Accessoriessaying mind over matter. This concept is especially true when it comes to sleep and the use of modern technology. Today’s society as a whole is sleep deprived, which in turn can reap havoc on a person’s day-to-day functionality and even their health. While oversleeping can harm your personal health, becoming sleep deprived can have equal side effects. Although the reasoning behind lack of sleep or sleeping too much differentiates from person to person, technology has been said to be a primary reason.
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