The Positive Effects of Daylight Saving Time

It’s natural for most people to focus on the negative implications of Daylight Saving Time (DST), especially for those people who are already sleep deprived. Losing another hour of sleep can greatly impact our health and job performance. But with the negative does come the positive, and for some, it may outweigh any negatives. We did an article last year  How the Extra Hour of Sleep from the End of Daylight Savings Affects You. The Monday following DST leads to higher car accidents, heart attacks and may cause the formation of a sleep disorder. But no one sheds light (pun intended) on the positive aspect of DST, so let us tell you about it. Continue reading…

Picking the Right Bed Sheets for Winter

Bed SheetsWhen it comes to staying warm this winter, don’t overlook the role your bed sheets play while you sleep. Different fabrics can offer more or less warmth when you need it the most. Remember, while you sleep your body temperature drops, so you will need to stay cool enough to fall asleep comfortably yet warm enough to not wake up freezing in the middle of the night. Depending on what your preference is, different fabrics may be more appealing to you than someone else. Let’s see what the different fabrics offer:
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Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia can be quite tricky to get a handle on, as it can affect anyone at any time. Insomnia is classified as the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.  Many people may experience this trouble sleeping and attribute it to a rough day at work, or to the anxiety of an upcoming vacation. Most of the time, people ignore the tell-tale signs of insomnia, and it will progressively get worse and even wreak havoc at home and work. Having trouble sleeping can greatly affect your concentration, memory and focus.

Insomnia is also known to accompany health concerns and other sleep disorders that may interrupt your sleep. Insomnia is not the reason you cannot sleep, insomnia is what we call your inability to sleep.

A great way to start minimizing the effect insomnia has on your life is first understanding what can cause insomnia. Once you understand what causes insomnia, you can take preventative measure to help safe guard your sleep by reducing these causes. If you are overly stressed, you can try stress relieving activities such as meditation, aromatherapy or exercising. If a medication you are taking is known to disrupt sleep,  it may be time to consult your doctor about an alternative that will not disrupt sleep.

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How to Make Your Mattress Last Longer

Sleep Options Memory Foam Mattress, Natural Latex Mattress, Pillows, Sleep AccessoriesNo matter what kind of mattress that you are sleeping on, it is important to make sure that you are getting a good value of time from your bed. We’re not speaking about how long you sleep in it, but rather how long your mattress should last you. Typically, a mattress that is kept in good condition will last for 7-10 years. If you find that your old mattresses have not lasted this long, there are some measures that can be taken to help keep your mattress quality high for a longer period of time.

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