Causes of Nightmares and How to Alleviate Them

Causes of NightmaresA bad dream is a nightmare. Whether you can remember it or not, everyone dreams while sleeping. It is more common to remember a nightmare or bad dream than a normal dream because a nightmare may startle you awake. Dreams are made up of emotions, thoughts and images and occur during the last stage of sleep, REM (Rapid Eye Movement). The REM stage tends to become longer as the night progresses, and many people seem to experience nightmares closer to morning. Although there is no cure-all for nightmares and bad dreams, we do have a better understanding as to what causes them and how we can alleviate them.
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The Best and Worst Nights for Sleep

Worst Night to SleepAsk yourself this question: which night of the week do you find yourself getting the best and worst sleep? Depending on lifestyle, schedule, profession and age, the answer to which is the best and worst night to sleep may vary from person to person.

A study of 3500 adults commissioned by Travelodge, a hotel chain, found that nearly 60% of workers reported that Sunday night was when they slept the worst. Of that 60%, more than a quarter claim to have called out sick Monday morning due to their lack of quality sleep. Continue reading…

Effects of Snoring on Your Health and Relationships

Snoring Keeping You Awake?Do you or someone you know snore during the night? Having to deal with a person who snores can be a huge pain in anyone’s side. But if you are the person who snores, you may not be aware or know that it is bothersome to others around you. The effects of snoring are two-fold. Not only can it be a sign of a more significant disorder, sleep apnea, it can wreak havoc on personal relationships.

Now to be fair, since a person whom snores is not aware of this loud disturbance, treat them no differently than you would someone who doesn’t snore. For the most part, it is out of their control. Snoring is caused by blockage of the airway. When sleeping, tissue in the throat begins to relax as your body relaxes. The deeper the sleep, the more relaxed a person becomes. This blockage is what causes the loud “snores.”
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Innerspring Mattress Vs. Memory Foam Mattress

Memory Foam Mattress

Image via Wikipedia

The battle for mattress supremacy has been ongoing for decades, and there seems to be no end in sight. The conflict between memory foam mattresses and traditional innerspring mattresses can often make you lose sleep, pun intended. No matter what your need preference is in a mattress or what your reasoning is behind buying one or the other, they both have their ups and downs. To see which mattress may suit you the best, let’s take a moment and look at how these mattresses stack up to each other.


When comparing a memory foam mattress and traditional spring mattress, one can obviously point out the differences. But when lying on the two mattresses of equal quality and value, it depends on the person to decide which is best for them.
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