The Lifespan of a Memory Foam Mattress

sleep options memory foam mattress, sleep options natural latex mattress, sleep options mattressMany factors determine the lifespan of memory foam mattresses; no two mattresses will last the same exact amount of time. Depending on how well the mattress is taken care of during its usage and its attributes, memory foam mattresses usually last for at least 10 years. Below are three things to consider when you are looking to buy a memory foam mattress and want it to be a long-lasting purchase!

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How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button on Your Alarm Clock

Sleep Options Memory Foam and Natural Latex Mattresses, pillows, bedroom, furnitureIt’s 6:30 AM and your alarm clock starts blaring in your ear, jolting you from your night’s rest. In your mind, all you keep thinking is “just a little longer,” so you groggily roll over and hit the snooze button. Sound familiar? The average person hits the snooze button 3 times before getting out of bed. Therefore, we all are victims of snoozing our alarm clocks to get that extra 9 minutes of sleep, but how can this impact the rest of our day?

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Sleep Options Mattress Reviews on

Sleep Options Memory Foam and Natural Latex Mattresses at Sleepy'sAs you know, Sleep Options Mattresses are sold exclusively at Sleepy’s! When doing some backend research, we have noticed that our readers are searching for reviews on our Sleep Options mattresses. That’s why today’s post will collect some of our mattress reviews off of and place them here for our readers to see! Sleepy’s offers two of our natural latex mattresses and two of our memory foam mattresses. All of our products have received ratings between 4.5 and 5 stars. Here’s what our consumers had to say about Sleep Options mattresses.

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How Stress Affects Sleep

Sleep Options Memory Foam Mattress, Natural Latex Mattress, Pillows, Sleep AccessoriesStress can come in many forms, ranging from garden work to a death in the family. Any kind of stressor, big or little, can disrupt your sleep habits and cause more daily stress. Being able to deal with stress can be difficult, especially if it is job or family related. It is important to realize that high levels of stress will stimulate the release of hormones in the body that can lead to increased appetite, weight and energy.

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The History of Memory Foam Mattresses

Sleep Options Memory Foam Mattress, Natural Latex Mattress, Pillows, Sleep AccessoriesAlmost everyone knows what a memory foam mattress is, but do you know how one of the most comfortable mattress options was created? In 1966, NASA’s Ames Research Center set out to produce a material that would increase the comfort in aircraft cushions. During take-off, astronauts had to deal with pressure that was generated from gravitational forces. Memory foam helped to relieve this tension because its properties would conform to the astronauts’ bodies, and absorbed the shock from lift-off.

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Another 4 Conditions for a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep Options Memory Foam Mattress, Natural Latex Mattress, Pillows, Sleep AccessoriesSleep is crucial for the human body to function and prepare you for another day’s work. Making sure you get the best sleep possible is why we exist. If you read “4 Conditions for a Better Night’s Sleep,” made some changes in your sleep routine, and found that you are sleeping better, you saw how easily we are affected by things that we never thought would impact our sleep. Making proper changes in our bedtime routines can have a much bigger payoff than one may suspect. Increased motivation, less stress, less fatigue, and a better overall outlook on tomorrow’s challenges will ultimately lead to a much happier life. But what happens when you make the necessary changes, and sleep does not improve? Then we may need to look a little bit closer at what conditions you are sleeping in. Let’s branch off of “4 Conditions for a Better Night’s Sleep,” and add another four to help solve this common problem.

#1 – Mattress Continue reading…

Back Pains Associated with Sleep Position

Sleep is one of the most important activities a person can partake in throughout the 24 hour day. Sleep not only allows for the body to recover and heal itself, it also can allow for mental growth and recollection of past events. Since sleep is one of the fundamentals to living a healthy life, let’s … Continue reading

The Benefits of a Memory Foam Mattress

Sleep Options Memory Foam Mattress, Natural Latex Mattress, Pillows, Sleep Accessories Have you ever woken up wishing that you could go back to sleep, but dragged yourself out of bed to make it to work? This kind of morning is strenuous for most who have experienced it, and can severely alter a person’s mood. Being sluggish and stressed first thing in the morning is never a good way to start the day. We are most productive when our bodies are relaxed and our minds are eased. But how do we achieve this feeling of relaxation? The answer is hidden beneath your sheets…

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