The 10 Most Popular Sleep Tips by Sleep Options

Sleep Options memory foam mattress, Sleep Options natural latex mattress, sleep tips, If you did not already know, Sleep Options creates new sleep tips every Tuesday for our readers! Located on our Blogger site, these weekly sleep tips are little reminders and ideas of how you can get a better night’s sleep, take care of your mattress, and enhance your daily routine. With over a year’s worth of tips, there are definitely some favorites amongst our readers. Enjoy the top 10 sleep tips pulled from our popular posts section on the blog!

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How to Fall Back Asleep After Waking Up

Sleep Options Mattress, sleep options memory foam mattress, sleep options natural latex mattressmLying awake in our beds during the middle of the night trying to force ourselves back to sleep is something we’ve all experienced. It is not a fun situation to be in and can become very stressful. Not only does waking up during the night have a negative affect the quality of our sleep, but it can have an impact on the following day as well. Luckily, there are some techniques and activities you can use to help ease yourself back to sleep after waking up!

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The Problem with Alarm Clocks and How to Wake Without One

Waking up to alarmWe all know how annoying an alarm clock can be. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! Not only does this sound startle you, it can often times leave you feeling groggy. No matter which stage of sleep you’re in, the alarm clock’s job is to get your day started. The problem is, deep stages of sleep are the most restorative for you. Being woken up out of a deep stage of sleep can and will leave you feeling as though you barely slept at all! The best way to wake up is naturally and without the stress of being scared awake. It is possible to wake up without the use of an alarm clock, but it may take some time. Here are a few different ways to train yourself to wake up without an alarm clock. Continue reading…

5 Ways to Change Your Morning Routine for Better Sleep

Sleep Options mattress, Sleep Options memory foam mattress, Sleep Options natural latex mattressWe all know how hard it is to get out of bed some days. Between forcing ourselves to wake up and getting ready for the workday, mornings can be very stressful. If you start your day in a hurried, time-restricted manner, you will most likely find it difficult to fall asleep at night. Making some small changes and additions to your morning routine can better prepare you for the day and provide you with a better night’s rest. Here are 5 ways that you can change your mornings for better sleep:

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How To Overcome Jet Lag

sleep options memory foam mattress, sleep options natural latex mattress, pillows, sleep options mattress, bedroom furnitureIt’s summertime, and that means a lot of people are traveling; especially on the 4th of July weekend! Therefore, we thought this would be the best time to share different ways that you can overcome your jet lag woes. There are many natural methods of reducing the overbearing fatigue that jet lag produces. Here are some easy steps you can take to fight off the jet lag before it even happens!

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How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button on Your Alarm Clock

Sleep Options Memory Foam and Natural Latex Mattresses, pillows, bedroom, furnitureIt’s 6:30 AM and your alarm clock starts blaring in your ear, jolting you from your night’s rest. In your mind, all you keep thinking is “just a little longer,” so you groggily roll over and hit the snooze button. Sound familiar? The average person hits the snooze button 3 times before getting out of bed. Therefore, we all are victims of snoozing our alarm clocks to get that extra 9 minutes of sleep, but how can this impact the rest of our day?

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