Living with Arthritis: How to Reduce Pain and Better Your Sleep

Arthritis joint painHaving to deal with pain every day and night can lead to profound lifestyle changes. Arthritis, which is a general term to describe over 100 medical conditions, generally affects the elderly and is the main cause for disability among people over 55 years old. The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis (OA), but there are other forms of arthritis that can affect a person even at an early age. To better understand how to manage the pain and get better sleep, you need to understand what arthritis is. Arthritis is usually caused by something going wrong within your joint, leading to a specific type of arthritis. Whether it is a lack of fluid within your joint, wearing of the cartilage that stops 2 bones from rubbing together or damage to the tendons and ligaments, arthritis pain can cause depression and sleep disorders.

Out of over 100 types of arthritis, these are the most commons forms:
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Back Pains Associated with Sleep Position

Sleep is one of the most important activities a person can partake in throughout the 24 hour day. Sleep not only allows for the body to recover and heal itself, it also can allow for mental growth and recollection of past events. Since sleep is one of the fundamentals to living a healthy life, let’s … Continue reading